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RSL LifeCare - Commercial Services | AML Advisory

Project at a Glance

Focus Area:
Commercial Services
RSL LifeCare
800+ staff, 1800+ residents
New South Wales
Rsl Lifecare Master
No items found.

Client Profile

ANZAC Village, Narrabeen, offers a range of support services to 1800 residents and employed more than 800 staff. The village offers residential facilities (low level support), medium level support services and high dependency care facilities. The village features six (6) minor hospital facilities (medium care) and one high dependency care facility.

Project Profile

RSL LifeCare were seeking to deliver a contract renewal process for the Waste Management Services (Services) Contract to meet the requirements of the RSL ANZAC Village, Narrabeen.

AML was engaged to:

  • Assist RSL LifeCare ANZAC Village to establish a draft Services Contract to deliver:
  1. Effective services to permit transition from the current Services contract
  2. Develop a draft contract using a transparent and auditable process demonstrating a Value for Money (VFM) contract for the ANZAC Village, Narrabeen
  • An additional outcome that was sought was to provide RSL LifeCare with a methodology and process framework that is repeatable across other sites, reducing the overall cost of tendering and time, without compromising services quality
  • By way of summary, the guidance received by AML for the outcome to be achieved for the Waste Services Contract renewal was:
  1. Duration of the contract was to be for an initial three (3) year period with the opportunity for rolling 12-month extensions where the Contractor achieves KPIs to the satisfaction of RSL LifeCare
  2. Achieve an increased level of service delivery with greater transparency of costs, by facility, at ANZAC Village
  3. This outcome to be achieved at, or less than, the current waste services budget per year
  • Procurement
  • Strategic Logistical Advice
  • Project Management