Like bees pollenating a delicate ecosystem, warehouse drones have proven themselves just as reliable and intelligent in equally complex and integrated spaces. Indoor drones have been able to significantly improve operations that faced infrastructure and technology challenges through their understanding of inventory control.
Ideally suited in warehousing and distribution centres, these versatile vessels of innovation can perform an array of tasks such as carrying various small loads to a variety of locations across your site and monitoring stock inventories in real-time ready for immediate distribution and sale.
The efficacy of warehouse drones is well documented, delivering important parts for maintenance teams to complete modifications and recommissioning equipment needed to maintain quality and scheduling demands.
Small to Medium-sized Enterprises particularly stand to gain from drones, overcoming the constraints of existing infrastructure and built-up chock points that dramatically slow operations or business expansion where operating conventional equipment is unsafe, awkward or simply too slow and inefficient.
If this is something your organisation is considering, consider these factors to initiate your path to warehouse drone implementation:
1. The strategic, commercial and operational fit between inventory drone systems and the ground level application of warehouse inventory management.
2. Strategic staff consultation based on business values of this technology to empower them to enable the transition and support other business areas.
3. The affordability, reliability and scalability of drone hardware options available to you.
4. A network or cloud that processes drone data into Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), etc.
5. The ability of drone software to enable fully autonomous indoor navigation, air traffic control and automatic scanning of barcodes, alphanumeric labels, RFID tags, QR codes, etc.
While there is a lot of hype regarding the continuous improvement in manufacturing and logistics, only when decision makers in government departments and commercial enterprises, paying attention to expert advice and implementing sound asset life cycle management plans, taking action, will reap the benefits from this type of logistics technology innovation.
Should you like to learn more on optimal logistics technology integration please check our blog section or get in touch with an experienced consultant.